Last Thursday, I surprisingly turned 19. I don't know what was with that day but I woke up extraordinarily happy and excited. I don't usually feel that way, you know. Not like Airah who is, as she put it, Miss Birthday Big Deal. I used to (and still do) think of birthdays as just a normal day, save for the fact that people send you birthday greetings and well-wishes. But as I said earlier, something was unusually different that day.
To those who don't know, UP started classes during that same day. Although technically that was only for us, no-Wed-or-Sat-class people. So that day was filled even more with the aforementioned greetings.
Among my friends, I saw Jeons, Rei, and Richard. It's ironic cos we all belong to the same college and yet I don't see them often. They were all bursting with back-to-school enthusiasm and well-wisher glee that I couldn't help but smile and be thankful I have such happy friends. Hee hee.
I also got accepted in PE. Whattamiracle.:) Although you can take that back right now since "the condition" for it was crazy. No absences. Excused or not. Period. Diiiieeeeeeee!
(Admire my beautiful schedule (PE not included). *evil laugh*)  Back to the good things. What more than gifts??? 1. A Nemo bath towel (which I plan to keep new forever) from Rei and Lawrence. (picture will follow. Hee hee.)
2. Three stuffed animals. Golden-ish pup (topmost). Gray pup (middle row, left). Both with leather-ish collars. And a giraffe (middle row, right). I still have to name them, though. Here they're together with my colorful hamster, Sammy (bottom), and keychain giraffe, Mash (center). 2. A jar filled with red everything! Sour belts, thin sour rolls (?), M&Ms, foil-wrapped chocolates, gummy bears! I'm thinking the salesperson in whatever candystore thought they were weird.
After finishing the jar, I'm betting I'm gonna look like her:
Save for the hair color, ofcourse. Mwahaha.
P.S. Airah, come home. Birthdays aren't the same without you, Miss Birthday Big Deal.
P.S.S. I take that back. I have to stop being selfish.
P.S.S.S Harry Potter, tomorrow! Wee!