28 July 2005 |
here, here! |
nothing could be better than a class made of intellectuals (or what i call "smarts"), eager to learn new things, perhaps even to question these new things. the recent finance class was, again another outburst of knowledge to the delight of our professor. it was interactive so to speak to the point that blockmate A and blockmate B were particularly directing their opinions and/or qualms at each other. being one of the presentors, i must admit, the feeling was quite odd when another person outside the group was defending the arguments which you have shared from the very start of the case. you do not feel anything negative towards that person, you kinda feel bad for yourself. but, when you take a look at it at the point of a person who goes ga-ga over the idea of intellectual freedom, you are left to do nothing but smile or applaud (if you're that overly happy).:)
what's more laudable is the fact that whatever happens in class, whether i quash your argument in front of forty or so people, add to that the professor, everything stays there. with everything i mean, everything negative. cliche as it may sound, it is indeed all in the spirit of knowledge and the freedom you exercise to defend whatever it is you believe in.
i don't know if the same thing goes for all classes in other schools, but i must say that i really am happy that i was there, in that particular class, at that particular time. nothing beats the University of the Philippines' love for academic freedom.
Harry S. Truman worded my sentiment (though in a grander scale) best, "In a free country we punish men for crimes they commit but never for the opinions they have." |
posted by zelina @ 6:14 PM  |
22 July 2005 |
yawning |
.."coffeeshop" music playing
..simultaneous conversations
..books on the table ..good cup of coffee in hand .. *le sigh* ..
Life is good.:)

posted by zelina @ 4:35 AM  |
14 July 2005 |
new record set |
I battled with myself to get up, went straight for the bathroom. Ahh.. taking a bath is one of the bestest things... too bad it had to end.:(
Disassociation is not one of my talents. Why? I have no idea. Currently deciding on whether or not to grant Dawson's pretty wish of a credit line. What's more? He's asking for one on an unsecured basis. Talk about ccrazzyy.
Geez. We're only required to produce two pages and yet were so laboring over it.
Anyway, the usual monthly pain is here again. at this time of the month, I swear I wish I were male. Sheesh. From Starbucks we went to McDonald's for the ABAM Party. Guess what? Sir Lanot's the newly appointed organization adviser. I'll leave it at that. Anyway, Mr Gay Looking Manager slash Party MC decided to include me in one of his "arrange yourselves" games. I guess he just ended it cos he got scared of my ala dart looks. Mwahaha. Or my mind bullets that were constantly wanting to topple him over. That particular game made a record in my book as my second McDo game at eighteen years old. *Sidenote: First one was at Tin's 18th birthday, with her >secret<* And I won. Yey for me. Hazel joined a game too. One with balloons and I shall stop right there cos she might kick me. ------------------
Today's reaffirmed discovery: The hardest challenge one has to face every day is getting out of bed. Shoot me. |
posted by zelina @ 12:01 PM  |
12 July 2005 |
wedding bells |
Having the littlest amount of sleep or none at all will surely drive you nuts at some point. Mine was today. It wasn't that bad but still, feeling your head's numbness [what the hell am i saying?] for almost a day is freakishly weird. I wonder how people with serious insomnia survive. Anyway, we dropped by The Banquet this afternoon.. had to know "the works" of running an events planning business for 186. The interview went pretty well.. started formal-ish at first but the moment they learned that Kat's cousin was a former customer, everybody loosened up. What really struck me was the dedication that they devoted to each wedding/event they handled. Each wedding most likely ended with a close friendship formed between them and the bride-to-be-now-wife. It was literally a breathe of fresh air. Now i'm thinking of another career option. Hmm, why not?:) |
posted by zelina @ 11:53 PM  |
08 July 2005 |
birthday, birthday! |
Happy Birthday, Hazel!Ü
This picture was during Haz's birthday, last year. I didn't have a blog then.:)
 from L to R: chard, airah, tata, zelina, vincent
posted by zelina @ 8:10 PM  |
06 July 2005 |
birthday, birthday! |
Happy Birthday, Rex!Ü |
posted by zelina @ 10:50 PM  |
03 July 2005 |
what a tram ride can do |
It was Agatha's birthday yesterday. She turned nineteen. Six days after, when you count today as one, it'll be Hazel's. Henceforth, upon reaching the tenth of november, it'll be mine. A lot of nice things happened today. For one, Hazel had her first MRT ride. I was amazed that she immediately knew what side to insert into that machine. She said that she was told about that before and I wondered why my family didn't do the same. Anyway, that's beside the point.
We met with Rex and had snack/cake-fest/coffee-tea-party at CBTL in Gateway. Courtesy of Rex's tip, I had the I-so-love-cheese-and-so-I-will-have-layers-of-it cake. It was a triple and yes, it was everything keso. After much kwentos and catching up (mind you, we see each other once a year, in July, where three of us have our bertdays), Rex had to leave due to an already set appointment with a friend. So there, after goodbyes and smiles, we promise ourselves that we'll watch Fantastic Four together and go bowling (thereby increasing the meetings to thrice a year).
Just for details' sake, we watched Monster-in-Law in Greenbelt after strolling and then realizing that we're about to be late again for a movie and so we semi-ran.
In the midst of unknown people, forearms shoved here and there, apparently to set themselves against the powers of inertia, I told Airah and Jeona, "Didn't you realize that we've been together since we were ten?" And then they tell Agatha, "Didn't you realize we've known each other since we were seven?"
Yes, it's true. I've been with them since the year I experienced the first signs of adolescence. It's kinda creepy when you think about it. But it spurs a sense of nostalgia, whether we admit it or not. About nine years ago, I came to SPED wearing a curduroy skirt and a white long-sleeved top with braided hair to boot. Before you praise me about my memory I'm telling you that it's not I who remembered those (I couldn't care less about my clothes when I'm in a fucking new school with no friends and no knowledge of the "Panatang Makabayan"). It was them who perpetually joked about what how wierd I looked amidst a group of students clad in jeans, colored tops, and snickers. Heck, they even remember that my blue curduroy skirt had teddy bear prints on it.
You see, we've really gone through a lot (i.e. making each other feel stupid, calling each other bobo, or just plain cursing and bitching around). Although not exclusively around each other cos we had our own small groups to go everyday with, I think it's pretty amazing that we still consider each other really good friends, all four of us, all these years. Besides, not all people are lucky enough to have long-standing friendships.
Some people think I take things way seriously. I won't disagree cos I find myself wanting to kick me for doing so. So it follows that I take my relationships seriously, especially the one I have with friends. Calling someone a friend is not too easy for me. Not the tipong, "Ah, no, she's my friend-friend lang. The other one, she's my friend talaga." Friend talaga--I don't get the point. It's not like you can have the word friend raised to the nth power depending on the depth of the friendship you share with the person. It's like pitching a Volvo as Buy-1-Take-1. I bet you any marketer will kick the ass out of your dimwitted head for even thinking about it.
Anyway, why did I post about this? It's because someone's celebrating her birthday, one is thinking about going to Korea for a year, and were all cramped up in one of the MRT carts, and the day was so made to be nostalgic with matching drizzles and falling leaves.
On the other hand it just might be because I'm fucking sentimental *mentally kicking oneself*. |
posted by zelina @ 6:17 PM  |
02 July 2005 |
birthday, birthday! |
Happy Birthday, Agatha!Ü |
posted by zelina @ 2:56 PM  |
01 July 2005 |
a kiss goodbye |
Spring, 1995.
They sat on the bed together, side by side, knees touching, heads down.
“How long will you be gone?” “A month, five weeks tops” “You coming back?” “Yeah” she sighed. “You are not.”
He shook his head, not convinced. He took her hand in his, clasping it to his chest.
“We need some space. I need to clear my head” “What will happen when you come back?” “I don’t know.” She was non-committal.
He looked at her. She looked at the floor, avoiding his eyes. They sat in silence.
“You need to get some sleep” she finally said. She got up. He was still clutching her hand. He followed. He took her in his arm, circling her waist, searching for her eyes. She smiled. He cocked his head to the left. He smiled. Eyes locked. He pulled her closer to him. She rested her head on his chest, his hands on her back, his face buried in her hair. They stayed in the embrace for what seems like eternity, but not long enough. She didn’t want to let go, he didn’t want to let go.
“I need to get packing. My ride is coming early morning.”
He didn’t respond. He kissed her hair, the corner of her eye, the tip of her nose, the side of her mouth. She tilted her head a little and his lips found hers. And the whole universe evaporated in that one kiss. Her emotions flooded into that one kiss. Their feelings summarised in that one kiss. She felt light and heady at the same time. Her knees felt weak, her body quivering. And then they came up for air.
“That felt like goodbye.”
She didn’t answer. She walked him to the door, not trusting herself to speak.
They embraced. He kissed her on the forehead.
“I’ll be here when you come back.” |
posted by zelina @ 11:07 AM  |