30 June 2005 |
broke and impatient |
I am officially B-R-O-K-E. Seriously, I watched two movies in two days. Although I must say that Hotel Rwanda is definitely worth the deal.
Either I'm so dead slloooow or haay.. maybe I really am. I didn't get War of the Worlds. Not too bad as I-don't-get-it period, though. It's just that it's not like the other movies that you know for sure that you-got-IT the moment you walk out the cinema. Haay.. I don't know.
On another note, the cinematography was a different story. It's like the feeling-mo-you're-there type. What else can you expect from Steven Spielberg, anyway.
One more reason to watch the movie: Dakota Fanning. I think the word, "Hollywood" was practically scrawled on her face the day she was born.
I'm naiinis na naaasar with one of my teachers. She hasn't mailed any comments until now. Been waiting for it since thursday pa. Either she's really annoying or I'm just too scared na our group will be masabon tomorrow. I mean, I hate being caught unaware. Who doesn't? Especially when it's something negative. Argh! Why kasi am I not techie enough?
I really, really need to find my happy place...
Woosah! |
posted by zelina @ 2:23 PM  |
27 June 2005 |
graduating this year? |

The UP Career Assistance Program CBA-SE is inviting all graduating students and CAP participants to visit the CAP Registration Booth from June 27 to July 1, at the CBA 3rd floor front lobby and SE lobby. The registration fee is only P200.
Thank You.
The CAP Executive Board

posted by zelina @ 11:24 PM  |
20 June 2005 |
my hero |
all my cousins fear him. all my tita's and tito'ses do too. our grade school 'Manong' in SPED thought that he was far older than my mother.
and more:)
he's most of the time strict. he's the perpetual sundo of the perpetual Cinderella. yes, Cinderella has been my other nickname for sometime now. usually, people expect me to do the usual, "You're so unfair, Dad!" but come to think of it, i think i never used those words. it's not that i prefer being at home for like forever, i just keep in mind that he knows what's best for me and that i should follow.
my Dad just turned 50 last June 13. in my family's heart i know we celebrated 50 golden years of life, love, achievement, and more and more love.
i told him that he's the bestest father in the world. and i made unahan him by saying that i said that not because i didn't have a choice but because it was the how i felt.
my Dad's the bestest. i'm not that scared of him, really. in fact, i think i scare him more than he scares everyone.;) and i'm not an vampire nor do i have friggin' claws.
and trivia: he's not scary. especially when he's in the good drunk phase. he'll buy you anything, i swear.;)
Love you, Dad. *hugs* |
posted by zelina @ 12:05 PM  |
09 June 2005 |
double-coned strawberry ice cream |
School started yesterday with three-out-of-four professors present. Plus, I think I was placed in an interesting block. I came across Tin's blog awhile ago. Obviously, she writes well. Ever since naman eh. Napaisip nga lang ako.
There was this time, way way back when I didn't know anything about it (not like I know how the whole thingamagig goes right now). What I mean is, there was this time when I thought babies dropped from the heavens into the loving arms of two people who are married and call themselves the proverbial husband and wife. Parang ganon ka-ignorante. But as of this generation, I guess I'd be called or thought of as a fool to think that (as Agatha put it, we were old enough to become mothers). Not that I marginalize couples who do not fit into this traditional framework. Trust me when I say that I can appreciate any form of self expression. I just realized that the so-called traditional has now become the exception.
At eighteen, I can boldly say that I do not know anything about love. Personal experiences and those of other people (and with people I'm not just referring to a handful) cannot even come close. Even the gazillion number of definitions of it in the also gazillion self-help books do not even shed a light on the subject. Before, I used to think that there were many definitions because IT was relative and subjective. Now I say that it is the way it is because nobody really knows. I beg to call all these as mere attempts at defining the undefinable.
"The boygirl stuck together were so busy lost in each other's eyes that they failed to see that they were directly in the path of a drunkenly driven, speeding eight-wheeler truck."
I'm betting my neck that any boygirl would roll their eyes at this or better yet dismiss this as a person-not-liked's expression of utmost bitterness. I myself, not a boygirl even, almost did. Classify it as bitterness, I mean. But I thought better. Some boygirl out there, with their rational sides turned-off is inevitably on the course of that speeding eight-wheeler. Sad as it may seem, I think I have come across a number. Come to think of it, Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" seems to be just an older version.
At eighteen, I'm not sure if I have been in love. The boygirl kinda love, I mean (these days, you can never be sure;)).
Quoting Emily, "You don't deserve to be in love when you're not willing to sound stupid."
I guess from this post I may have sounded stupid, but I posted it anyway.
Does that mean i deserve to be in love?
P.S. Why can't things be just as simple as this?

posted by zelina @ 7:56 AM  |
05 June 2005 |
heat, sweat, here i come |
school starts in three friggin' days and i am feeling totally.. uh.. in denial. actually, reg started nung thursday pa, but since the CRS was uinbelievably kind to me this semester, it'll only take one day for me to finish the whole process. so i go back to manila on sunday, which is, tomorrow. fartknots. gusto ko pa magbakasyon! seriously, i've been home for what, two weeks?! and add to that the fact that my brain is soo not ready for serious schoolwork yet. and it's so easy to get stupid grades if you end up with an average first long exam. i am soo in trouble.
one more thing that i am trying to "deny" is the fact that i'm formally a third year college student starting tuesday. talk about getting old one more year and not even noticing it pass by. the first two years of college, as for me and other people taking up four-year classes the "first half", whizzed amazingly fast. which is scary, i think, cos the "next half" might go the same way too. haay, if i can only stop time.
anyway, that is just about it.
P.S. i am officially a children's party kusinera. handled my sister's party pretty well, with added human labor ofcourse, but still, well.;)
posted by zelina @ 7:13 AM  |