all my cousins fear him. all my tita's and tito'ses do too. our grade school 'Manong' in SPED thought that he was far older than my mother.
and more:)
he's most of the time strict. he's the perpetual sundo of the perpetual Cinderella. yes, Cinderella has been my other nickname for sometime now. usually, people expect me to do the usual, "You're so unfair, Dad!" but come to think of it, i think i never used those words. it's not that i prefer being at home for like forever, i just keep in mind that he knows what's best for me and that i should follow.
my Dad just turned 50 last June 13. in my family's heart i know we celebrated 50 golden years of life, love, achievement, and more and more love.
i told him that he's the bestest father in the world. and i made unahan him by saying that i said that not because i didn't have a choice but because it was the how i felt.
my Dad's the bestest. i'm not that scared of him, really. in fact, i think i scare him more than he scares everyone.;) and i'm not an vampire nor do i have friggin' claws.
and trivia: he's not scary. especially when he's in the good drunk phase. he'll buy you anything, i swear.;)
Love you, Dad. *hugs* |