I want some UBE!
Saying that the weekend of July 1-2 was a blast would be an understatement. Yes, it was a whole lot more than what I expected and I am sure everyone will agree that a repeat is a MUST.=) The two days the HR Committee spent in Fontana not only made each and everyone closer -- it was indeed, as Glecy put it, an "Ultimate Bonding Experience".
Earlier I took it upon myself that the weekend should result to a happy entry by moi. But then I figured that there is no better way to capture the weekend that was than through pictures. So, here's one to semi-kill your browser! Although I'd want to post all the pictures, some were promised to be kept amongst us. So there. Enjoy!
P.S. Am trying to organize my Multiply account for my pictures to be viewer friendly.:)

Our faborit hobby: EATING!  Our second faborits: Pumose sa harap ng camera.:)
 This was a first: Swimming -- we should do it more often!!!

The boys: some of them talks are true eh? Kidding.;)

The girls: Ahem, ahem. 'Nuff said. Hee hee.

Our family within CE...

This is why we're called a circle..:) Next Stop: Tagaytay! Wee!!!:) |