30 May 2006 |
Ala Pinoy Big Brother |
The original, I got as much as a couple of glances; the star-studded, I caught a few episodes; and the teeny-bopper, I missed but a few. The Pinoy Big Brother gave a new face to reality-TV in the Philippines and, as much as I loathe the idea of media network war, I would have to admit that ABS-CBN has made history with the said show. Due to said unfamiliarity and familiarity with respective seasons I'd prolly dwell on the teen-studded pie instead of the prior two.
From Day 1, my thoughts on PBB Teen Edition has gone from curious interest, pathetic shallowness, irritating frustration, admiration, and lately, genuinely touching. The emotions, quips, think-out-loud rare-a-moments I have seen on TV has reminded a lot about the -teen years of my life. Needless to say, I thought them kids to be all-out shallow and puppy-lovey-dovey. However, I realized that looking back I could as easily remember likewise shallow and pathetic moments I was once part of. It dawned on me that I was just like them at some point, and that somewhere down my reminiscing, I missed the child in me.
Today, Maco had her last day at work and as much as we didn't want her to leave, we tried to end the day with a >bang!<. And what better-er way to do that than to sing inside Gyvs' favorite videoke box. On the way to the 3rd song my partner, Arvin, gave way to tears of both joy and sadness. Everyone, either with visible drops or not, were affected by the songs to say the least. Happiness was beyond words for having realized that it was never too late to gain new friends. Sadness brought about by the idea of moving towards separate directions.
I think the CRT Office is like the PBB House: the cameras, the personal stations, the tasks. Although we have healthy additions like co-workers and freedom to "see the world", what I have experienced so far in this Internship Program has taught me a lot of things. Aside from friendship, it has taught me to relate better with people -- to adjust, to have patience, and more importantly, to listen. These lessons I will bring back with me when I go out to my own world, as I come back to the welcoming arms of UP and the oh-so-happy CBA house.
P.S. Yellow belter na ako sa gay lingo ngayon. Super dami ko na alam! Here's a sampler: tentacles = ten pesos -ham = hundred -kiao = thousand bet = like/crush WIS!!! = wala/hindi >>>favorite namin lahat! booking = secret! >>>wanna take a stab at it? |
posted by zelina @ 1:06 AM  |