Rather than finish the last marketing case for this semester -- Colgate-Palmolive: Cleopatra -- or get a couple of hours sleep before my 10am final exam in Economics, I opted to sit in front of my computer and update this quasi diary (which, come to think of it, happens to live up to its name). I must admit that I get my priorities jumbled and scrambled too often for my own good. Hee hee
So what's so important to update anyway?
I just wanna share something that I've learned just recently: One vote CAN make a difference.
Since I'd rather not delve into the details, suffice to say that this year has been one of the most unforgettable elections in CE's history, and if God grants the recent clamor of the CE public, probably the best Inner Circle UPCE will ever be blessed with. *crosses fingers*
Although this is not saying that the outgoing IC fell short of anything, simply because they did not. The end of this semester marks my one year as part of CE (app process included), and my one year knowing the the organization's beautiful people. I would have to admit that I might be regretting the fact that I only joined during my junior year, the same way that Ate Mel did, come our own Tribute Night.
To begin with, I am not an org-person, I even rejected any notion of joining a sorority as soon as the invite was popped. But as everyhting does, I changed.
The recent elections showed me and hopefully the rest, that the general direction any organization was bound to take was dictated by its members, and that each and every single member indeed counted. With that, I am now ready to step up and serve my part for an organization that showed me what a family meant among people who didn't share the same set of genes.
My candidate lost. However, with the love and dedication of the newly-elected UPCE President, I would like to think that the vision was not lost altogether with the burning of the ballots. After all, CE deserves no less than the combined talents of the two of you.
All the best of luck to the incoming, and kudos for a job well done to the outgoing, Inner Circle! |