14 September 2005 |
inside-out |
I've always believed that when what you do is something that you enjoy, you will never work a single day of your life. This spelled my utmost goal -- to find and search for that thing that I will do and enjoy doing for the rest of my life -- my passion. As I embark on the hell stretch of this year's semester, I got scared. I thought I already knew what I wanted.
Not that I plan on shifting, I am happy with BA. Seriously, even if the requirements and pressure that they just love to throw at us may seem close to unbearable, I still enjoy doing it. What I'm gonna do after is the million-dollar question. By January, we are sort of expected to submit our resumes for OJT this coming summer. Shortly after is the year. Honestly, I don't know if just want to remain a student forever, or I just don't know what to do. I'm guessing it is much, much more the later.
All my life I've always thought of myself as a risk-taker. But my actions speak otherwise. Once I finally ordered something new, my heart was beating so fast, I suhwear. I take comfort in security, which makes me settle for routine even if my soul is begging for some spontaneity. That's why not-knowing is totally freaking me out.
Two years ago I took a psychological test to help me figure if I'm in the right course. The counselor affirmed that I am, the things that I want to do are within my circle, I just have to figure out what it is exactly that my heart truly desires. The most dominant career path that she was able to draw from my test was human rights law. She related it to my interests and to the desire to do social work. Actually, it was eerily close to what I thought I wanted to do.
My friends can almost feel their individual selves embarking on their passion already. I am still picking up the pieces towards discovering mine. I just hope the fear of uncertainty doesn't get the better of me. |
posted by zelina @ 7:58 PM  |