08 August 2005 |
my mother's daughter |
taddah! i finally finished my new layout. although not everything came from me (refer to: thank you's), i pretty much did a lot of modifications. oh well, i soo like it.:)
today was a rather haaay.. day.
i almost died this afternoon. seriously, it felt like an inch away from death-dom. as airah put it, "talk about biglaan."
some history. about five months ago, the same situation happened. it was freaky. made my valentine's day (un)memorable. after getting two of my best friends in the whole world worried, and panicky, and then worried again, i did not do anything. why? cos the next months turned out to be normal and being the scared-of-the-doctor girl that i am, shoved the (un)memorable occassion at the far corners of my memory. also, my grandma told me that my mom used to have it too. in fact, she was always rushed to the hospital for it. talk about hereditary sick genes.
and no shit, it came back to remind me.. although the pain-meter said it was far worse, the scene didn't hit it off that bad since i was able to learn from the last time that i should tell my companion immediately. so there, it wasn't much of a scene.
scared. that's what i'm feeling right now. promised good ol'd friends that i would inform my parents, and that i would go get a major check-up. oh no..
what if this was already something serious?
*sniff* *sniff*
P.S. Mommy, you remember the way i always point out that you don't take care of yourself (i.e. go for check-ups) until it becomes way too serious? i should be scolded too. big time. and i will let you have your share of it once i get home. |
posted by zelina @ 2:33 AM  |